What does EN13782 mean for the safety of my container shelter?
6 min reading time
My name is Nicolette Lammers, and I’ve been working as a sales representative at Kroftman for over 13 years. Before you purchase a container shelter, you should be sure that you're allowed to install it. You might not expect it, but sometimes you need a permit for a container shelter. Whether this is the case depends on several factors, such as where the shelter will be placed, how long it will be there, and what it will be used for. In this blog post, we’ll answer the following questions:
If your container shelter is placed in public areas or if it conflicts with the local zoning plan, you may need to apply for a permit. In such cases, both the container shelter and the containers themselves may require a permit. Regulations vary between municipalities, so I can’t say for sure whether your container shelter can be placed without a permit.
If you’re unsure, I recommend contacting your local authorities before purchasing the container shelter. You can also check online via your country’s building permit portal to quickly see if a permit is necessary.
If you need to apply for a permit for your container shelter and the containers, you can do so through your local municipality, either online or in writing. In some areas, it’s possible to have your plans reviewed beforehand to see if they’re feasible. Once the permit application has been submitted, you can’t make any changes, though additional documents can still be attached. The application should include details of your construction plans, supported by construction drawings and structural calculations. You can download the construction drawings directly from our website, and we can provide the structural calculations for free upon request via phone or email.
For more information on this subject, you can read our blog post “Do I need a permit to build a warehouse?” This post is about building warehouses, but the procedure for applying for a permit for containers and container shelters is the same.
In most cases, no permit is needed if the container shelter is installed on private property.
If the shelter is used temporarily on a construction site, it falls under construction site facilities, which are generally permit-free as long as they’re being used in relation to a building activity.
Whether you actually need a permit or not can only be confirmed with absolute certainty by your local authority. I recommend checking this before purchasing the containers and the container shelter.
We hope this information helps you make a well-informed decision. If you’d like to know the exact cost of the container shelter you’ve selected, simply use our quotation tool. You’ll receive a quote by email, where you can clearly see the (transport) costs for your container shelter. You can generate multiple quotes and select various options to compare them.
Still have questions? We’re happy to help!