Refer: mountain location
requires a solution against
extreme weather conditions

04 February 25
Sequence 02.00_00_25_18.Still001

At the Entsorgungszentrum Leppe in Lindlar, Germany, Refer GmbH is at the forefront of sustainable waste processing. The company operates one of the most advanced facilities in Germany, processing up to 180,000 tons of bottom ash annually. In doing so, valuable metals such as iron, copper, and aluminum are recovered for reuse. This not only benefits the environment but also helps conserve natural resources. However, the company's unique location on a mountain presented challenges for the storage of essential maintenance machinery.

Protection against the elements

Refer GmbH’s mountain location exposes the company to extreme weather conditions, particularly high wind speeds and heavy snowfall. This required a safe and robust storage solution for their maintenance equipment, capable of withstanding these harsh conditions.

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After exploring our website, Refer reached out to our sales department with questions regarding the wind and snow load capacity of our container shelters. Following consultation, they opted for an 8 by 6-meter container shelter with an arched roof, including a front and rear wall with a roll-up door. This configuration allows for easy access to machinery while ensuring optimal protection against various weather conditions.

Safety and sustainability

Our shelters comply with the European standard EN13782 for temporary structures. This means they are designed to meet stability, wind resistance, and safety requirements. For each shelter, a buildbook is available, containing detailed construction drawings and strength calculations, including maximum wind and snow loads.

Interested in the wind and snow load capacity of our shelters? Request the buildbook free of charge.
We recommend installing the shelter only in wind and snow zones that fall within these standards.


• Safe and weather-resistant solution for maintenance machinery
• Meets wind and snow load requirements
• Easy access for large equipment due to extra height and roll-up doors
• Protection and extended lifespan of stored equipment


Are you also looking for a flexible solution for your project? Discover how we can support your project with reliable and safe solutions. Contact us for detailed technical specifications or request our buildbook for more information. We are happy to think along with you!