Storage buildings
8 tips to keep the temperature stable in your storage building
8 min reading time
To answer the question of whether our storage buildings are prefab storage buidlings, we first need to discuss the definition of prefab. Prefab is a shortened form of the English word 'prefabricated', which means 'made in advance'. Prefab structures are manufactured in advance and thus ready for use. For example, think of a house where parts are already assembled in the factory into a complete component, the prefab component. The prefab components are then incorporated into the final product on-site, forming the complete house. We don't refer to our storage buildings as prefab but as self-build storage buildings. In this blog, you'll read why.
It's true that our storage buildings are delivered to your construction site in parts. We only deliver loose components. The storage building is a DIY kit that you can assemble entirely by yourself, with the help of others and materials. For example, we don't deliver a complete facade as a component. You assemble that yourself by making the frame and attaching the sheet material to it. The fact that our storage buildings are designed to be self-built doesn't mean that all storage buildings are easy to assemble. You won't easily assemble the larger storage buildings with a ridge height of 5 meters and higher without technical knowledge, especially not without a crane.
Perhaps you consider prefab to be an appropriate term for our storage buildings. Prefab can mean something slightly different to everyone. Because we deliver all components separately, we prefer to call it a self-build storage building. And if self-building isn't feasible or if you're hesitant about it, consider hiring a company to handle the assembly for you.
We hope the above information helps you make an informed decision. If you want to know exactly what the storage buidling of your choice costs, feel free to fill out our quotation tool without obligation. You'll receive a quote by email showing you at a glance the costs and transportation costs for your storage buiding. You can create multiple quotes and check different options. This way, you can compare them effectively.
Do you still have questions? We're happy to assist you further.