Warranty claim2019-11-06T14:45:56+00:00 Client number * Company * Mr.Mrs. Name * E-mail address * Telephone * Product * —Please choose an option—Storage building E500Storage building H600Storage building H700Storage building H800Storage building H900Storage building H1000Storage building H1100Storage building H1200Container shelter TC400Container shelter TC600Container shelter TC800Container shelter TC1012Storage tent T500Storage tent T825Storage tent T900Storage tent T1220Warehouse tent WT600 Purchase date * Invoice number * Address/Location of the product * Date of occurrence of the damage * Description of the damage: * Description of the cause of the damage: * Upoad images of the damage (max 3 MB per image). In case you need to upload multiple images, please select them simultaneously: * Upoad images of the setting of the product (max 3 MB per image). In case you need to upload multiple images, please select them simultaneously: Opmerkingen: Over 12.800 projects worldwide Own product development Always at your service 10 years warranty